We aren't on campus at this time, but we are still available to for remote advising and questions. Find your advisor here!
Just as campus courses are being delivered remotely, the Office of Academic Advising will be advising students remotely for the remainder of the Spring 2020 term. Be assured that your academic advisor will continue to work with you, though remotely rather than in person. As we transition to a new environment, we ask for your patience. Initial response times could be longer than usual, however, your advisor will respond.
Remote Advising. Remote advising includes advising via email and, if deemed necessary by your advisor, an audio Zoom session. If you are looking for appointments in Advise Assist, you will instead see a notification that directs you to email your advisor. Find your advisor here.
Spring Registration. Note that time tickets for spring registration have been posted in AU Access. Please ensure you do not have any holds on your account, as this will delay your ability to register. Please pay attention to all registration dates and the academic calendar.
Registration for Summer/Fall 2020 terms will be opening soon. Time tickets for spring registration have been posted in AU Access. Please ensure you do not have any holds on your account, as this will delay your ability to register. Please pay attention to all registration dates and the academic calendar.
If you have not yet been advised for Summer/Fall 2020 and need to schedule an advising appointment, please schedule a remote advising session with your advisor.
If you have already been advised for Summer/Fall 2020, be ready for registration by reviewing your advising session notes!
If you would like to transfer into the Harbert College of Business, please first refer to the Transfer Guide. If neither the Transfer Guide nor Degree Works answers your questions, you may email your questions to oaa@auburn.edu. Once you are ready to transfer in, visit http://aub.ie/majorchange.
Students transferring from Engineering are required to meet with their Engineering advisor prior to completing the university's 'Change Major' link
Note that you will be assessed the Harbert College of Business Professional Fee this semester (i.e. the semester you transfer into the Harbert College).
If you are majoring in another college on campus and would like to declare a business minor, please fill out our form here.
If you would like to drop your business minor, please fill out our form here.
Just as campus courses are being delivered remotely, the Office of Professional and Career Development will be working with students remotely for the remainder of the Spring 2020 term.
Students who need assistance with technology such as Canvas, Zoom, Panopto, or the Virtual Lab are encouraged to reach out to the Harbert College IT Services team.
The Harbert College of Business Virtual Lab provides remote access to much of the same software offered in our physical labs on campus. For the best experience, download and use the VMWare View Client. Directions for downloading for your specific operating system are found here under the Virtual Labs section.
During this unusual time of social distancing and remote learning, the following resources are available to support your mental and emotional health.
To see the CDC’s resource for managing anxiety about COVID-19, visit: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/coping.html. To simply learn more about how to best manage through the COVID-19 outbreak, visit: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public