Feeling motivated? You have a chance to earn two master's degrees at the same time. The Harbert College of Business offers online dual degree options with the Master of Business Administration (MBA). As an Online MS in Supply Chain Management student, you can earn an MBA and MS in a compressed time period.
You will need to apply and meet the admissions requirements of each program.
The MBA and the Master of Science in Supply Chain Management online dual degree requires 57 total credit hours for degrees to be completed.
Course Requirements
You will be required to take BUSI 7310 Integrated Business Project and Case Analysis
(TRAC) near the end of the program. TRAC students work on a live case for a local,
regional, national, or international client and present findings at the end of the
semester. Please keep in mind that this course could require a three day on-campus
residency depending on which semester it is taken.
Professor and Director SCM Graduate Programs Student Services CoordinatorDr. Rafay Ishfaq
407 Lowder Hall
April Hurley
(334) 844-8719
4033 Horton-Hardgrave Hall
Become a student of the nationally ranked Harbert College of Business.
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