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        Harbert Global

        Study abroad with some of the best in business


        Business Consulting Program

        Want to really stand out from your peers when it comes time to look for a job? Make a huge difference upgrading your résumé by becoming a part of a Business Consulting Internship in Milan, Italy, or Madrid, Spain, this summer. The Business Consulting Program is 12+ weeks long and includes consulting work for an international client, a week of summer break for travel, and time for overlapping coursework and cultural activities. Consulting projects will be guided by experienced consultants who will provide instruction on the purpose, methods, and outcomes of formal consulting projects.

        What is the Business Consulting Internship program?

        Harbert students take a group photo in front of a structure in Rome, ItalyThe Business Consulting Internship is an opportunity for students to work in teams of 4–5 on a business consulting project overseas.

        The program is supervised by trained consultants and are appropriate for business majors (typically junior and senior) with demonstrated high academic performance.

        Students will spend time analyzing a specific problem, conducting a situational analysis, conducting market research, investigating potential alternative solutions, and will create a formal report and make a formal presentation to their company client.

        Business Consulting Program Details

        • Business Consulting Program Schedule

          Sep. 25, 2023

          Application review period begins. Space is limited.

          Dec. 13, 2023

          Commitment deadline to receive Discounted program fee of


          Dec 14, 2023

          Students who commit to program after Dec 13, 2023 program fee is:


          January 18, 2024

          Last day to begin an application with Auburn Abroad. Applications take at least a week to complete, so start asap.

          January 31, 2024

          Last day to complete applications through Auburn Abroad. NO LATE APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED

          May, 2024


          Auburn Study Abroad Fee ($751) billed

          May 9, 2024


          Depart USA to arrive in Milan May 10    

          May 10-12


          Orientation and tours in Madrid      

          May 13 – May 31

          Course 1 (Milan)*

          June 3 – June 21

          Course 2 (Milan)*

          June 22 – June 29

          Summer Break**

          July 1 – July 19

          Course 3 (Madrid)*

          July 22 – Aug 2 


          Course 4 (Madrid)*

          May 6 – Aug 2

          BUSI 3250 & BUSI 4010 (Optional / Online)

          Aug 3, 2024

          Leave Madrid / arrive USA


          *Students will be assigned a course schedule to balance courses.

          ** Students free to travel in Europe on their own.


        • Coursework (15-16 credit hours)

          Required to take on location (all 3 hrs):

          In Milan, students take
          1) Strategic Management (MNGT 4800) and
          2) Global Business Market Analysis (BUSI 4970-1).

          In Madrid, students take
          3) Management International Field Analysis (MNGT 4610) and
          4) Leadership and Business Culture (BUSI 4970-2).

          Optional coursework online: International Business (BUSI 3250 – 3hrs) and Professional & Career Development (BUSI 4010 – 1hr).

        • Academic Prerequisites

          Before you can qualify to be a part of a Business Consulting Internship, you must have completed MNGT 3100, MKTG 3310 and FINC 3610 at least one semester before participation. Additionally to qualify, you must be a business major (those with a 3.0 GPA and Senior standing at the program start will be given priority). While not required, it is recommended that you participate during the summer after your Junior year and before your Senior year.

        • Participant Info

          This program is only appropriate for business students who are completing their Junior year and will have enough hours to take Senior-level courses during the summer program (90 hours completed before the program starts). 

          We recommend that you first speak with your academic advisor, the program director and your parent(s) or guardian(s) before making a final decision.

        • Business Consulting Internship Affiliations

          Yes. The Harbert College of Business summer programs in Milan, Italy, and Madrid, Spain, are Auburn programs led by experienced Auburn faculty. 

          All courses and internships taken as part of the program are official Auburn courses and require similar work and count the same as those taken on campus. Furthermore, abroad programs offered through third parties (not-AU faculty led), do not offer Auburn coursework, and students often cannot get credit for some or any of the coursework taken on such programs.

        • Professional experience impacts your future

          Professional experience, such as internships and consulting, is quickly becoming a necessity for job seekers as over 74% of companies look for either internship or actual job experience to screen applicants. Over 40% said they prefer 2 significant work-related experiences. 

          According to a National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) survey, job seekers who had an internship or significant work experience were more likely to get job offers and also higher initial salaries—a difference of $10,000 per year in starting salary. 

          Additionally, a study conducted by the Harbert College of Business, over the last 5 years, showed that Harbert College students who participated in a professional experience such as these averaged $10,322 more in yearly starting salary than their classmates who did not study abroad on one of the professional programs. 

          The difference in starting salary is more than the cost of the program fees, so these programs are a great value.

        • Real work experience

          The consulting internship opportunities are real work experiences with a variety of different companies. 

          In consultation with the Director and other faculty advisors, our partners fit students to an appropriate consulting internship project taking into consideration the student's major, background, course work, skill sets, and other interests. Our partners have extensive company relationships and experience placing interns and securing consulting projects (offices in several international locations with excellent government and business connections).

          Students must participate in an interview, provide registration information, and submit a résumé for appropriate placement.

          Our students have worked for banks, hotels, fashion magazines, soccer teams, service companies, engineering firms, food companies, clothing companies, beverage companies, manufacturing companies, city government agencies, healthcare companies, entertainment firms, restaurants, marketing agencies, and more.

        • Are the Business Consulting Internships paid?

          No. These professional experiences are for academic credit. 

          In addition, in most countries, immigration rules prohibit paid professional experiences for academic credit to protect the domestic job market. It is in fact illegal in most countries to pay foreign interns. 

          The companies do not pay Auburn, any of the University program staff or participants for these programs. Companies donate their staff time and company resources associated with the program to provide the students an opportunity to participate in a real professional work environment, and no compensation of any kind is provided.

        • Travel requirements

          Visa and Passport

          Students will be required to have a valid Passport, good for 6 months after they return to the US after the program. Visa now required (cost approximately $8).

          Housing and Travel
          Students stay in self-service apartments with necessary amenities (including wifi) and easy access to bus and/or metro lines. Travel on metro in both locations is included in the program fees. Students are on their own for most meals (though areas around their lodging have grocery stores and plenty of restaurants). Students will be responsible for their travel arrangements and expenses from Milan to Madrid during summer break week. Specific housing locations and details will be provided prior to departure from the U.S. All health and safety protocols required by the university, college, local authorities, and program partners abroad will be strictly followed and enforced.

          If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us at

        • Program Cost

          Program fees total $16,480 / $16,980*and include:

          • AU coursework credit hours (typically 15–16 credit hours)
          • Consulting placement
          • Housing in Milan and Madrid
          • Transportation pass for the duration of the program
          • Cultural and professional programs
          • Tours of Milan and Madrid
          • Day trips such as visits to Lake Como & Toledo (or similar)
          • Welcome and farewell receptions
          • Medical  insurance
          • Emergency evacuation insurance (does not replace major medical)

          Estimated additional costs (not included in program fees) total $4,969 and include:

          • Airfare to Milan and rturn from Madrid
          • Travel during the week break (Summer 1 ends in Milan and Summer 2 begins in Madrid)
          • Most meals
          • Passport and visa (if needed)
          • Optional tours and entrance fees to some sights
          • Highly recommended: trip cancellation insurance
          • Auburn Abroad fee ($751)
          • Harbert College of Business Professional fee ($150)

          If you have any further questions or concerns about the costs and fees of the trip, please contact Auburn Abroad at

          *Program details subject to change.

        An image of students gathered around a table that has been blurred with the letters FAQ in the foreground

        Have more questions?

        Check out our General FAQ for more details on studying abroad. If you still have a question afterwards, get in touch with us through the contact information below!

        General FAQ


        Applications Open Now!

        Applications for the Business Consulting Program are open now. Space is limited so please apply early. Contact us now for more information!