Jimmy E. Hilliard holds the Harbert Eminent Scholar Chair at Auburn University. He has formerly held the C. Flores Endowed Chair of MBA Studies at Louisiana State University, the C. Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Chair of Business Administration at the University of Georgia and the Clayton Homes Chair of Excellence at the University of Tennessee.
His research interests include investment management, international financial markets, the pricing of options and futures, and managing foreign exchange, commodity and interest rate risk.
Hilliard has published extensively in top business journals including the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Business, Accounting Review, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Derivatives, and Management Science. As a complement to his research interests, he has taught and lectured in the Netherlands, Austria, France, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, and Moldova.
He is currently on the editorial board of the Journal of Derivatives and has been president of the Southern Finance Association and past director of the Financial Management Association. Hilliard has also developed, directed and lectured in executive education programs on financial risk management and international markets.