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        Doctoral student to be recognized by AU's International Student Organization

        April 7, 2015

        All News


        Suning Zhu already held an accounting degree and MBA -- but she aimed even higher. Inspired by professors at the Harbert College of Business, Zhu is working on her PhD with a focus on information systems management. ZhuTuesday, April 21, Zhu, from China, will be one of many students recognized by the university’s International Student Organization for academic excellence, leadership and involvement. “Before I came to Auburn, I had my bachelor degree in accounting from China and I was considering finding a job in China after finishing my MBA,” she explained. “However, working closely with the professors in Harbert College of Business provided me with a new perspective on my future. I found myself enjoy doing research and teaching. I wished that one day I could become the person like my professors who create knowledge, educate people, and enhance well-beings of the society. This motivated me to start thinking about pursuing a doctoral degree.” Zhu, who said she hopes to become a professor in information systems management and have work published in prominent journals, said Harbert College is ideal for international students. “Professors have an open-door policy that welcomes students to ask questions,” she added. “This is extremely important for new international students who struggle with life in the U.S. and have lots of questions. In other words, if you are an international student who is seeking education in the U.S., you will not find any other place better than Auburn University and Harbert College of Business to get your degree, living experience, and amazing memories. “The Office of Professional and Career Development helps international students assess and improve their professional skills and leverage their talents to find the perfect fits in the job market. Another plus is that the culture of valuing diversity provides international students with a unique opportunity to meet new friends and obtain remarkable education.”