On November 12, 2019, Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) hosted the 5th annual Financial Accounting Stars Banquet (FASB). The top 10% of ACCT 2110 Principles of Financial Accounting students (Stars) were invited to network with BAP students and School of Accountancy (SOA) faculty members to encourage them to pursue their accounting talents. Historically, 60% of Stars have declared ACCT as their major.
Sponsored in part by EY (title) and RSM (supporting), the banquet began with an icebreaker - faculty bingo! Honorees worked with their BAP hosts to meet faculty members and uncover their "fun fact" on the bingo card (e.g. who has given a cow a bath?). Cole Dewberry (Star) was the first to connect four bingo spaces and won a $50 gift card to the movies. Thomas Minor, an EY Birmingham partner and keynote speaker, offered great perspective about the value of an accounting degree in the business world. Following dinner and networking at their tables, attendees heard from a panel of current ACCT seniors about why they love their major. Stars left with a swag bag provided by the generous sponsors.
To make the Stars feel truly special, the event featured a Hollywood theme, complete
with a step and repeat, red carpet, faculty Wall of Fame, and gilded accents. BAP
and the SOA look forward to hosting the event again in April 2020 for the next group of top performers in ACCT 2110. Be sure to follow @auburnbap on
Instagram/Facebook for all organization updates.
FASB by the Numbers - Fall 2019:
- 779 total students enrolled in ACCT 2110
- 45 Stars in attendance
- 55 BAP students in attendance
- 17 SOA faculty members in attendance