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        Harbert Global

        Study abroad with some of the best in business


        Costa Rica Fall Break Study Abroad 2024

        Costa Rica offers a deep dive into diverse businesses and organizations that embody the sustainability initiatives and people-oriented goals of the country. This program includes a hike to a volcano and waterfalls to enjoy the stunning natural beauty of the region and a visit to the Starbucks coffee development farm.


        • $3,499 HCOB students
        • $3,999 non-HCOB students

        Information Sessions - Zoom links available below

        Anticipated Dates

        • Abroad: October 6 - 12, 2024

        Review Program Details & Apply

        Contact Information

        Program Director: Dr. Mary Catherine Colley
        Phone: (334) 332-0156
        Office: 4076 Horton-Hardgrave Hall

        Program Director: Dr. Brian Hunter
        Phone: (334) 332-0156
        Office: 3064 Horton-Hardgrave Hall

        Ireland Spring Break 2025

        Information coming soon!


        An image of students gathered around a table that has been blurred with the letters FAQ in the foreground

        Have more questions?

        Check out our General FAQ for more details on studying abroad. If you still have a question afterwards, get in touch with us through the contact information below!

        General FAQ