The Harbert College is dedicated to partnering with companies and alumni to engage
industry and improve business
The Harbert College of Business presents “Reshaping Business in 2020.” This six-week webinar series will focus on a different department from the college each Wednesday at 11 a.m. beginning September 30 and concluding November 4. This unique series will examine how industries are adapting amidst the current circumstances and how they see the future of their respective organizations. These webinars will be hosted by current faculty and include alumni from a variety of business disciplines. There is no cost for registration. Use the link attached to each course description to register.
“Accounting Practices Shift Virtual” will be presented by the Harbert College School of Accountancy on Wednesday, September 30 at 11 a.m. CDT. The webinar will focus on virtual internships,
virtual training, and more. The webinar will feature Dr. Greg Jenkins as well as alumnus Ric Kimball '99 and Megan Lansden ’04.
“Personal Finance During A Pandemic and Beyond” will be presented by the Harbert College Department of Finance on Wednesday, October 7 at 11 a.m. CDT. Dr. Damion McIntosh as well as alumnus Sean Conley '16 and Tim Strader ’18 will discuss the effect the COVID-19 pandemic had on the financial market/institutions, thoughts on where the market is going in the future and tips on investing.
“Effectively Leading Virtual Teams” will be presented by the Harbert College Department of Management on Wednesday, October 14 at 11 a.m. CDT. Dr. Michael Wesson as well as alumnus Bert Bean '04 and Alexandria Harper ’20 will discuss how to lead virtual teams from a variety of perspectives; in higher education, as a new hire and as a CEO of a company.
“Marketing, Sales, and the Future” will be presented by the Harbert College Department of Marketing on Wednesday, October 21 at 11 a.m. CDT. What makes some companies “win” vs. “lose”? Emory Serviss, Bonnie Hensler ’92 and Kyle Marchuk ’15 will answer that and more during this webinar.
“Sourcing, Forecasting, and RFID Technology” will be presented by the Harbert College Department of Supply Chain Management on Wednesday, October 28 at 11 a.m. CDT. The webinar will discuss future disruptions, technology, and more featuring: Dr. Shashank Rao, Auburn RFID Lab Director Justin Patton, 2016 alumna and Facebook employee Natalie Walker, as well as alumnus Conor Gattis '13.
“Cybersecurity Now & Later” will be presented by the Harbert College Department of Systems & Technology on Wednesday, November 4 at 11 a.m. CST. Dr. Casey Cegielski, alums Quinn Tucci '19, Woody Parramore '16, Jay James ’15 and Jason McKinley '17 will discuss the importance of cybersecurity, the future of jobs in the field and more.
Please contact Alexandra Maffett with questions at